Seven Ways Your Brand Can Capitalize On The Android/iOS Battle
Has the battle between these two mighty giants left the concerns of the consumer and their needs behind?
I love this article by by Bobby Emamian Co-Founder And CEO Prolific Interactive.
"Google and Apple have butted heads since Android’s release in 2008. Worldwide, Android has the larger install base of the two, but Apple currently leads the way in the U.S. and is steadily gaining ground globally.
The battle between these two operating systems has accelerated mobile development and created an exciting arms race for hardware and platform capabilities.
Choosing sides in this scuffle, however, is a bad move.
Brands nimble enough to stay ahead of the curve by investing in both sides have a huge opportunity to pry customers away from competitors that fail to do so. By swiftly exploring each company’s emerging platforms (such as tvOS and Cardboard), brands can become first movers in multiple up-and-coming ecosystems.
Play The Field Staying objective in this mobile brand war means focusing on the numbers. If website analytics show that your customers most commonly interact with your brand on Android, that’s the platform with the most potential impact. However, that doesn’t mean you should flat-out ignore Apple. After all, it is gaining market share from Android.
The quantity of users on a platform isn’t the only variable; things like conversion rate and user retention are key, too. At the end of the day, brands should ultimately be trying to maximize the lifetime value of their product portfolios.
With a little focused effort, any brand can capitalize on the mobile OS battle, taking advantage of new technology and features to gain market share in their own brand wars.
These seven steps will position your brand for success in a climate of ever-changing technology:
Content thanks » CMO for the full story
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